Alert Details

June 6, 2024

6.6.24 Outage Update

11:20 P.M. - All repairs have been successfully and safely completed. We thank you for your understanding.

8:30 P.M. – While two crews work to replace a bad transformer in Fairview, additional crews are working on our transmission line between Gordonville and Sherwood Shores.

Earlier this evening, we discovered a portion of the transmission that has been damaged during one of the recent thunderstorms that traversed our service area.  Most likely the lightning and near 80 MPH winds did the damage early Wednesday morning.

Transmission lines are very high voltage lines that deliver electricity to substations, and the poles are generally 70 feet or taller.  In this case, the line is 138,000 volts on 70 feet concrete poles.  The repair cannot be made while the line is energized.  It is simply not safe, and we place the safety of your employees as the first priority in everything we do to provide service.  When the crews get the equipment set up to perform the repairs, we will turn off power to the transmission line.  We should began work between 10:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. and if all goes according to plan the outage should last approximately an hour.  This outage will affect members north of US82 along and near US Highway 377.

These repairs are necessary to avoid a much longer term outage, additional damage to the conductors on the transmission line and potential wild fire hazards.

We thank you in advance for your understanding.

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